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The fragrance of our history
Maxim was born in 2001 in the province of Varese, aiming to create a reality that could have been able to
combine the typical artisanal spirit of the Italian tradition with the best advanced technologies in the
production of perfumes. Thanks to the constant improvement of our company, we can now blend together
numerous fragrances and create perfumes for the ambience, for the body and for the fabrics. This
predisposition to improve constantly our work made us obtain the quality certification ISO 9001:2008.
The goal of our company is to offer the best to our clients: we have always ensured the highest quality and
we believe that punctuality and rapidity are two essential elements in our job. Our staff is able to answer the
demands of companies of any dimension and the needs of the market, always taking into account the
peculiarities of every single situation.
Finally, we believe that the growing sensibility towards the environment implies a stand by the companies.
Therefore, we consider the environmental sustainability and the respect of the animal testing regulations a
priority for our company.